Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
Seriously.... Something has to be done.
by DATA-DOG ini am aware of the constant debate about whether or not to confront jws, because they will merely retreat behind their persecution complex.
well, i say, "bull shit!
religitards, as in the case of the recent paris attacks, ( yes, the jws are equal to those terrorists, is so much as they perpetuate lies that ultimately retard the progress of mankind), must be challenged without remorse, as their assertions are made without remorse for those who are forever scarred by their lies.
Half banana
Slimboyfat, of course JWs are no where near as dangerous as ISIS although they threaten the death of all non believers, at least only harm their own. -
Seriously.... Something has to be done.
by DATA-DOG ini am aware of the constant debate about whether or not to confront jws, because they will merely retreat behind their persecution complex.
well, i say, "bull shit!
religitards, as in the case of the recent paris attacks, ( yes, the jws are equal to those terrorists, is so much as they perpetuate lies that ultimately retard the progress of mankind), must be challenged without remorse, as their assertions are made without remorse for those who are forever scarred by their lies.
Half banana
JWs are not idiots but they are often clueless, emotionally stunted and needy. We know because we've been there. I chose to be a JW at the age of fourteen.
The permanent state of denial and irrationality exhibited by JWs; is to defend their own dream of paradise...just as it is for the Muslim terrorist. The parallel does not end there. As I will be telling the next JW I meet that anyone who places religious ideals above the value of life and of human welfare is a threat to all civilisation.
Yes DD something has to be done. They must be hit where it hurts... in the money department. Why should an organisation such as the socially destructive WTBTS be encouraged by the state through tax exemption?
Now is a good time to put the case to the appropriate authorities.
How Comfortable Are The Governing Body At Headquarter After This Massive Lay Off?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthis lay off and all the child molestation lawsuits coming to a head with more lay off in the wings.
i'm sure there is a lot of concern going on among those still there.
i'm sure a lot are finding out for the first time that the governing body are all frauds by doing secure internet searches to find out just how much they been had by these villans , i think the situation could be dangerous (the possibility exist).
Half banana
Massive booing would be very welcome Brokeback... just like they did at Romanian president Nicolae Ceasescu's last public speech, just before they shot him. -
Pure cult propaganda Communiqué de presse Novembre 2015– Regain de prosélytisme chez les Témoins de Jéhovah, de l’indécence à l’écœurement ...
by wannaexit ini found this from an another site, for those of you who read french.
the world is taking note that when tragedy strikes rather than help in practical ways, jw take advantage of a tragic situation to spread their cultist propaganda.. http://caffes.fr/communique-de-presse-novembre-2015-regain-de-proselytisme-chez-les-temoins-de-jehovah-de-lindecence-a-lecoeurement/.
communique de presse novembre 2015 regain de proselytisme chez les temoins de jehovah, de lindecence a lecurement.... novembre 20, 2015 actualites, journal a loccasion des evenements dramatiques qui frappent notre pays, les membres du caffes et toutes les personnes qui y sont accompagnees souhaitent faire part de leur vive emotion et temoigner de leur solidarite aux familles des victimes.
Half banana
JW religion only feeds of death and disaster---rabid parasites! -
"Obey" or "Be persuaded" at Hebrews 13.17
by Wonderment invarious posters have apparently concluded that the wt society is wrong by quoting hebrews 13.17 as a reason for christians to submit to, and be "obedient" to those taking the lead among them.
they have pointed out that the greek word for obedience is "hypakouo" or some other, not "pei'tho" which is the one that appears in the beginning of verse 17 at hebrews ch.
their motive for their objections may be one of rancor brought about by the extreme authoritative measures the society have imposed on the brotherhood.
Half banana
Mephis as I understand it, the early Jesuist christianity took its organisational structure directly from the pattern used by the earlier so called "pagan" religious cults. It would be appropriate to mention that they borrowed practically everything else including most doctrines, fables, imagery and ritual from the pagan christ cults as well.
In other words I think that the Gnostics were only one of many groups probably already using a traditional hierarchical ordering already of historical standing.
This included having a bishop (overseer) presbyters (older men) and deacons (lowly attendants to the material aspects of the church). As the numbers of believers for a particular cult grew then the importance of the management also grew and the bishop became the key man to make sure there was enough money to support both the welfare and feeding of the poor and the upkeep of the church building in a particular region.
"Obey" or "Be persuaded" at Hebrews 13.17
by Wonderment invarious posters have apparently concluded that the wt society is wrong by quoting hebrews 13.17 as a reason for christians to submit to, and be "obedient" to those taking the lead among them.
they have pointed out that the greek word for obedience is "hypakouo" or some other, not "pei'tho" which is the one that appears in the beginning of verse 17 at hebrews ch.
their motive for their objections may be one of rancor brought about by the extreme authoritative measures the society have imposed on the brotherhood.
Half banana
As a primary reason to start the JW beliefs, Russell thought he had cracked the date of "end times" by the Emphatic Diaglott's rendering of the word for presence... and look where that has lead us...
Nothing is ever going to be resolved by niceties of translation.
Wire rider , you have got the handle on the JW religion but can you supply sources for the $150 million heist by Rutherford?
Who or What is the Holy Spirit?
by FusionTheism intradition within christianity has long been that any time the phrases holy spirit, holy ghost, or spirit of godare used in the bible (especially in the new testament), it always refers to the mysterious third divine person of the trinity, who is fully god, co-equal to the father and son, yet somehow distinct.. i want to present a simplified alternative view: let the context determine the meaning!.
(one thing to keep in mind is that the meaning of the bible words used for spirit basically is unseen force or invisible presence.).
the holy spirit as the mind and personality of god.
Half banana
Holy spirit is mumbo jumbo. The evidence for this is negative evidence; there is no evidence for any action purported to be accomplished by holy spirit which can unequivocally be connected to an outcome.
Believers however are constitutionally gullible.
@Crazyguy, I'm thinking along these lines, i.e. the major mythical input is from Egypt. Not only in the source myths which underlie OT beliefs and the "conquering hero saviour" which is both OT and also the central theme of the Greek NT texts... but also the post pharaonic influence on early Christianity when Egypt was under Greek rule centered at Alexandria.
My source for believing that Egyptian myth may have Ethiopian origins comes from the pen of John G Jackson who wrote Christianity before Christ. AAP 1985
My first post
by thewalker inhi, i just joined the board and wanted to present myself.. i'm active, in fact very active in congregation activities serving "where the need is great" in a foreign language congregation somewhere in western europe.
as a young brother, i'm seen as an example as i'm doing all a good witness should do.. i had doubts years ago but i decided just to ignore them and move to another congregation to preach more.
that worked for some years but i'm now at the exact same point.
Half banana
Hi and welcome thewalker. Your English is exemplary! There were no mistakes betraying a foreign first language.
Indeed most of us have been in your shoes. We had doubts which we suppressed at first but in the end needed to be examined.
The first assurance is that outside of the JW religion everything is not doom and gloom. The world is in fact full of wonderful people. The baddies though get the news exposure.
Looking forward to hearing more of your story.
One option you might consider in the near future is to step down from organisation responsibility for "personal reasons" without leaving the congregation. This will give you more time and space to do research and buy some thinking time.
70 inch t.v.'s on stage
by dbq407 inso the other night we had a resolution to purchase two 70 inch t.v.
's to hang on either side of the stage.
and also a smaller t.v.
Half banana
Finky baby, I love the glittering plasma field hovering behind his holiness Pope Anthony the third signifying the appropriate spiritual aura befitting these sainted beings. -
Should Jehovah`s Witnesses be worshiping Jehovah ? or Jesus.
by smiddy injehovah`s christian witnesses , as they like to be known as , used to worship jesus in earlier times ,but now they do not worship jesus .
they worship a god named jehovah , who they admitted in the first edition of " aid to bible understanding " was not the correct pronunciation of the tetragrammaton `s four letter hebrew letters that represented god` name , by the way , a catholic monk of the 13th century came up with jehovah by just adding a couple of vowels.. to those four hebrew letters .which has since been revised to correctly translate the tetragrammaton as yhwh and many scholars put this name more accurately as yahweh or something more similar.. fact 1 .
the tetragrammaton does not appear in the " kingdom interlinear of christian greek scriptures " printed by the wtb&ts , a word for word translation of the greek scriptures.
Half banana
How can you answer this question Smiddy if you don't believe the Bible to be God's doing in the first place?